Motor skills are among the first skills students begin to learn in preschool and kindergarten. Motor skills come in two varieties: large and fine. Each skill will serve an important purpose in your student’s coming years.
Large motor skills are those that allow a child to enjoy physical activities like running and climbing. These movements involve larger muscle groups, like those in the legs and arms.
Fine motor skills involve small manipulations of the hands, like writing. Children also rely on fine motor skills to zip up their jackets and use scissors. These skills involve the smaller muscles, like those found in the hand.
Neither of the two types of motor skills is more important. In fact, a well-rounded education will involve the use of both skills.
Are you curious about the best ways to foster motor skills in your child? Keep reading to learn more about building motor skills in your child.
How to Foster Large Motor Skills
Large motor skills, sometimes called gross motor skills, allow students to become physically active and healthy, but developing these skills also involves listening to rules and interacting with other students. Additionally, sedentary lifestyles have an association with detrimental cognitive development.
Before they enter school, children learn to roll over, sit unsupported, crawl, and walk. They learn to run and jump. These are all examples of gross motor skills. In school, children develop these skills into more complex movements, like jumping jacks, skipping, hopscotch, dodgeball, and baseball.
Some large motor skills require active attention for coordination. These include improving reaction times and balancing on one foot. Physical education can help establish these skills at school, but with many schools cutting back on physical education, this is becoming increasingly rare.
Teachers also encourage motor skills by developing multisensory lessons that involve movement, touching, and other activity. Finding the balance between academic and physical education is crucial for excellent skills development. You can discuss different kinesthetic lessons your child’s school uses.
How to Foster Fine Motor Skills
Preschool activities help your child develop fine motor skills. Children who do not develop their fine motor skills may face issues learning and paying attention in the future. They may also struggle with activities necessary to take care of themselves, like buttoning their clothing.
Teachers facilitate the learning of fine motor skills in many ways. For instance, your child will learn how to use scissors safely. Children also learn how to write with pencils, markers, and crayons. Over time, children learn how to write on lined paper with pens.
Essentially, students to learn to fine motor skills along with creativity. Building blocks are beneficial for your child’s skills progress, but other activities can help too. Teachers can work with students to learn how to pick items up with tweezers and tongs. They can learn to color in letters with different items so they can better understand the shapes.
How to Teach Motor Skills
Motor skills are important, and you should find a preschool or summer program that understands this. If you believe your child may struggle with motor skills, having an established curriculum that involves working on these skills each day may benefit them.
Early intervention for motor skills is so important because this allows educators to pinpoint children who may be at high risk for learning disorders, like dyspraxia and dysgraphia. The sooner you begin working with your child on these skills, the better the chances are that you will be able to make improvements. The Advantage Learning Center offers high-quality preschool education for infants, toddlers, and soon-to-be kindergarteners. Call us today to schedule an appointment to view your facilities.
The Advantage Learning Center offers high-quality preschool education for infants, toddlers, and soon-to-be kindergarteners. Call us today to schedule an appointment to view your facilities.